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Anti-Death Penalty But Pro-Abortion?

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Scoobiedoolala On October 30, 2008


paducah, Kentucky
#1New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 00:42:32
the death penalty has undoubtedly deterred the murder of many potential innocent victims.
What get's me is that some believe in abortion, but not the death penalty.
The death penalty, imo, saves lives, whereas abortion takes the most innocent.
How could anyone be against the death penalty for putting to death the guilty, but pro abortion, killing innocents?
It is hard to comprehend you can back the killing of unborn children, but not back death those guilty of capital crimes?
It is just amazing.
rickyatcrazy On November 17, 2008

San Diego, California
#2New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 00:46:39
lilbear On January 18, 2010
Aequitas / Veritas!


, Canada
#3New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 00:49:57
What amazes me is how any supposed Christian person can honestly condone either of the two!!!!
rubylights On November 30, 2021

Miami, Florida
#6New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 00:57:45
i believe in abortion under special circumstances.

that being said, i don't condone the death penalty for a substancial amount of reasons that you'll find here.
angelcake On January 18, 2016
Say whaaa

Eastleigh, United Kingdom
#7New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 01:03:22
I don't believe in either BUT I have to say they are two completely different things.

The death penalty is a punishment for a crime that has been committed and the person who is to be killed has been convicted of these crimes.

Abortion is the forced termination of a pregnancy. You (as I presume from your post) believe that life begins conception or some point there after but before birth. Other people believe life begins at birth or at some point in the pregnancy whenever that should be.

Most people (in my mind at least) who are pro-choice or even pro-abortion appear to believe that life begins later on during the pregnancy/at birth rather than at conception/early pregnancy and therefore do no perceive and abortion as killing a child/baby but preventing a child/baby from being created.
rubylights On November 30, 2021

Miami, Florida
#8New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 01:23:23
@angelcake Said
I don't believe in either BUT I have to say they are two completely different things.

The death penalty is a punishment for a crime that has been committed and the person who is to be killed has been convicted of these crimes.

Abortion is the forced termination of a pregnancy. You (as I presume from your post) believe that life begins conception or some point there after but before birth. Other people believe life begins at birth or at some point in the pregnancy whenever that should be.

Most people (in my mind at least) who are pro-choice or even pro-abortion appear to believe that life begins later on during the pregnancy/at birth rather than at conception/early pregnancy and therefore do no perceive and abortion as killing a child/baby but preventing a child/baby from being created.

i've never been one for euphomisms. i HATE them. they take all the passion and veracity out of life. abortion is not 'terminating a pregnancy', it's killing your child. i don't condemn it, but i call it what it is. i believe that it's at times the most reasonable of choices, although it's never an easy one. i just don't think that it's always wrong and immoral...
angelcake On January 18, 2016
Say whaaa

Eastleigh, United Kingdom
#9New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 01:25:53
@rubylights Said
i've never been one for euphomisms. i HATE them. they take all the passion and veracity out of life. abortion is not 'terminating a pregnancy', it's killing your child. i don't condemn it, but i call it what it is. i believe that it's at times the most reasonable of choices, although it's never an easy one. i just don't think that it's always wrong and immoral...

There is a difference between killing an adult and killing a child/baby/foetus by means of an abortion.
rubylights On November 30, 2021

Miami, Florida
#10New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 02:01:59
of course, there's a huge difference. i never linked the two together, but since this thread linked them i answered both.
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#11New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 02:07:15
@scoobiedoolala Said
the death penalty has undoubtedly deterred the murder of many potential innocent victims.
What get's me is that some believe in abortion, but not the death penalty.
The death penalty, imo, saves lives, whereas abortion takes the most innocent.
How could anyone be against the death penalty for putting to death the guilty, but pro abortion, killing innocents?
It is hard to comprehend you can back the killing of unborn children, but not back death those guilty of capital crimes?
It is just amazing.

I don't believe in abortion or the death can't bring someone's loved ones back by killing the person who murderd them....I say let them stay in prison and live everyday knowing that they took a to me, that's pushiment!!! God said..."tho shall not kill."
azureus On December 16, 2008


Chuck Norris,
#12New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 02:10:14
I am pro-choice, and anti-death penalty. I dont believe abortion kills, but prevents life, and the death penalty is death.
cGobla On March 15, 2018

Polcenigo, Italy
#13New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 02:52:57
@azureus Said
I am pro-choice, and anti-death penalty. I dont believe abortion kills, but prevents life, and the death penalty is death.

I agree completely. I have not religious so I don't believe religion goes against god. Abortion had given women freedom.
Scoobiedoolala On October 30, 2008


paducah, Kentucky
#15New Post! Sep 28, 2008 @ 04:42:13
Roman Catholic:

2267. Assuming that the guilty party's identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.

Southern Baptist:

[A resolution adopted at the June, 2000 convention of The Southern Baptist Convention] affirms the use of capital punishment "by civil magistrates as a legitimate form of punishment for those guilty of murder or treasonous acts that result in death." The death penalty should be used only when there is "clear and overwhelming evidence of guilt," the proposal says. It also calls for "vigilance, justice and equity in the criminal justice system," with capital punishment "applied as justly and as fairly as possible without undue delay, without reference to the race, class or status of the guilty."

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