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alexkidd On February 07, 2012
Captain Awesome!


in a bog, Ireland
#1New Post! Apr 09, 2009 @ 23:30:24
Just wondering if anyone has any info on this.

JMO joked on a 'kennedy second shoother' thread.
"So we are now an entire page into a conspiracy thread and no-one has mentioned the Jews yet. Surely they were involved, they always are."

Why is this?, I'm fairly well read on these conspiricies, i have a fascination with why people believe in odd things.

So i'm wondering why suspect jews all the time?

Disclaimer: obviously i'm not talking about ALL people who believe in such conspiricies being anti-semitic.. yadda yadda yadda, but it is inherent in the culture surrounding these claims.
soypuke On May 13, 2009


#2New Post! Apr 09, 2009 @ 23:35:03
Its always the jews
jmo On April 29, 2021
Beruset af Julebryg

Yorkshire, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Apr 09, 2009 @ 23:42:31
It's fascinating if you type in any well known conspiracy theory into google, followed by the word 'jew'. Some people manage to link almost anything to Jews.

Somehow the moon landing is a jewish conspiracy.
psycoskunk On December 24, 2020
Funky-Footed Skunk

A fort made of stinky socks, C
#4New Post! Apr 09, 2009 @ 23:44:54
Everyone blames the Jews.

Whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes,
Mel Gibson spent Christmas Eve hating the Jews.

boxerdc On December 18, 2012


#5New Post! Apr 09, 2009 @ 23:49:01
No one told me it was the Jews.
I thought it was the Mormons.

Live and learn..
friendlybear On March 10, 2010


Nanaimo, Canada
#6New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 00:17:24
This may not be relevant to the Kennedy conspiracy theories, but this is why I believe that there is so much anti-semitism.

It is a well known fact that the majority of the world's financial institutions are owned or controlled by Jewish persons. Anything that is seen as anti banks could be considered as anti-semitism. But it is not their religion that is at question, it is the greed that is driving these institutions that is being called to question.
boxerdc On December 18, 2012


#7New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 00:34:23
@friendlybear Said

This may not be relevant to the Kennedy conspiracy theories, but this is why I believe that there is so much anti-semitism.

It is a well known fact that the majority of the world's financial institutions are owned or controlled by Jewish persons.

Please back up this "well known fact" with evidence.
friendlybear On March 10, 2010


Nanaimo, Canada
#8New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 02:17:09
@boxerdc Said

Please back up this "well known fact" with evidence.

I will admit to an error in stating "majority" instead of "large number"

For example, The Federal Reserve Bank of America.

The last two of the Chairmen were Jewish.
Ben Bernanke
Alan Greenspan

And two more previous:
Arthur F Burns
Eugene Isaac Meyer

That's four out of a total of fourteen since inception.

Need I mention the Rothschild's, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and many others.
There are no other religious groups, with as large a membership in the banking industry.
They have been the butt of cartoonists caricatures, comedians humor, and were persecuted in Hitler's Europe. Common knowledge.
boxerdc On December 18, 2012


#9New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 12:59:27
@friendlybear Said

I will admit to an error in stating "majority" instead of "large number"

For example, The Federal Reserve Bank of America.

The last two of the Chairmen were Jewish.
Ben Bernanke
Alan Greenspan

And two more previous:
Arthur F Burns
Eugene Isaac Meyer

That's four out of a total of fourteen since inception.

Four out of fourteen? for this one institution.. So a significant minority you'd have to say.
Do you have any idea how many financial institutions there are in the US? There are tens of thousands of them. Picking four jews who chaired the federal reserve is hardly proof. I'll need to see the percentage of jewish ownership for banks, lending companies, credit unions, brokerage houses, and so on, and I'll need you to show me that it's over 65% for me to accept that "most" or even "a large number" of them are owned or run by jews.

There's your conspiracy.. find the evidence to back it up now, and you can have a webpage that everyone makes fun of too.
friendlybear On March 10, 2010


Nanaimo, Canada
#10New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 16:16:42
Let's look at it another way, then.

The population of the United States is approximately 300,000,000.

The population of Jewish persons in the United States is approximately 5,275,000.

That is approximately 6/10 of 1% of the total population.

All things being relative, that would seem to show a disproportionate representation in the Federal Reserve Bank.
(By the way, I chose that for my example of the financial industry, because it is the largest and most readily researchable)
Does it not?
Extrapolating the figures, at the outside, only one of the Federal Reserve chairs should have been of Jewish extraction. So we have either a rather unbelievable coincidence, or some truth to the theory.
Just for the record, this is not MY theory, I was just trying to be helpful by suggesting the obvious.
There are other, larger groups of people that are also discriminated against in America, that do not show as high a representation, for instance blacks.

It's simple arithmetic.
boxerdc On December 18, 2012


#11New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 20:18:40
@friendlybear Said

It's simple arithmetic.

That's the problem with conspiracies. It's not simple arithmetic. It's extremely complicated arithmetic, and when it's wildly oversimplified, it looks like something that it often is not. For instance, did you compare the distribution of financial institutions in the US to the distribution of Jewish people? Could it be that there are a higher percentage of Jewish people living in areas where financial institutions are located, making it more likely that they'll enter into the field?

Blanket statements and simple arithmetic lead to "conspiracy theories".
soypuke On May 13, 2009


#12New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 20:21:01
I bet alexkidd is a jew, and this whole thread is a conspiracy to divert our attention from him. I bet he shot the sheriff too, but did not kill the deputy...
friendlybear On March 10, 2010


Nanaimo, Canada
#13New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 21:11:45
@boxerdc Said

That's the problem with conspiracies. It's not simple arithmetic. It's extremely complicated arithmetic, and when it's wildly oversimplified, it looks like something that it often is not. For instance, did you compare the distribution of financial institutions in the US to the distribution of Jewish people? Could it be that there are a higher percentage of Jewish people living in areas where financial institutions are located, making it more likely that they'll enter into the field?

Blanket statements and simple arithmetic lead to "conspiracy theories".

Or the statement could be made that the highest concentration of Jewish population is in areas of the highest number of financial institutions because they choose to be in that business? It's all in how you look at it.
I still believe that the numbers are disproportionate. That's what I see.
sunandsurf13 On June 29, 2009


Sydney, Australia
#14New Post! Apr 10, 2009 @ 22:53:55
I know a few people who are anti-semetic. I'm always struck by how vicious their view-points are, based on the theory that they 'control' financial institutions or 'hoard wealth' as one of them said. These same people also refuse to believe in the genocide that occured in WW2, but that's a whole other thread.

The jewish people I have met have been the kindest & most generous people I've known in my life. I'll grant you this -I've never known a jewish family that wasn't wealthy, but I don't see how this is evil.

Isn't it possible they just work hard?
buffalobill90 On July 12, 2013
Powered by tea

Viaticum, United Kingdom
#15New Post! Apr 11, 2009 @ 20:33:33
@alexkidd Said

Just wondering if anyone has any info on this.

JMO joked on a 'kennedy second shoother' thread.
"So we are now an entire page into a conspiracy thread and no-one has mentioned the Jews yet. Surely they were involved, they always are."

Why is this?, I'm fairly well read on these conspiricies, i have a fascination with why people believe in odd things.

So i'm wondering why suspect jews all the time?

Disclaimer: obviously i'm not talking about ALL people who believe in such conspiricies being anti-semitic.. yadda yadda yadda, but it is inherent in the culture surrounding these claims.

Jews have traditionally been the antagonists in conspiracy myths because they have a long history of being seen as 'Christ-killers'. The Church used anti-semitic propaganda for centuries because the Jews were essentially their political opponents. On top of this, Zionism is a branch of Judaism which proposes the concept of universal Judaism (similar to the concept of a 'universal' or Catholic church, or a world-wide Islamic Caliphate).
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